
Doesn't new training gear rock?

My Christmas totally rocked. I got to spend a lot of time relaxing with family and friends.
Started some new traditions and kept some old ones going.

As for gifts I got a few good ones from my loving family. Check the Gamin watch below given to me by my mom and dad. Plus a new pair of Nike Frees from my grandpa and aunt. My mom also got me a subscription to Triathlete magazine and clothes (yes some clothes that aren't made of spandex and don't have a Nike or Adidas logo on them). Score!

I went on my first run with my new watch last night.... also in my new shoes might I add. Prior to this excellent gift I have been running with just a regular $10 watch that I got as a birthday gift in 9th grade. I kid you not. (Side note I had the biggest crush on the boy that gave it to me.) This watch makes training so much easier and a lot more addicting. I wanted to run all night!
Now I am getting ready for the New Year. Ready to make my resolutions. Hopefully I can stick with a few of them for at least a couple months. Race registrations will be done as soon as my coach and I figure out my training plan for the year. I've already registered for ITU San Diego Sprint and the Orange County Duathlon. Looking forward to the season.
Anyone in the Southern California area have races to recommend?
Since it is the weekend after all this only seemed appropriate. I'll let the non athletic people cheers and take shots to that one.


  1. :) nice gifts now enjoy training hard. Happy New Year 2013! and many kilometers

    1. Yes super wonderful gifts. Happy New Year to you as well!
