
Himalania Dark Chocolate Covered Goji Berries REVIEW

 Vitacost sent me a box of goodies I have been testing out over the past couple of weeks. Now I am finally able to share with you all the goodness. The next couple of weeks I will have reviews for you.

It's no secret, I love dark chocolate. (You probably do too so don't lie.) Sometimes you just feel like rewarding yourself after a hard workout with some dessert. I know I do. Dark chocolate is my go to for a treat. I'll always pass on alcohol is chocolate is an option. BYOC (Bring Your Own Chocolate) anyone?

Straight up, these Himalania Dark Chocolate Covered Goji Berries are pretty much impossible to not finish in one sitting. I have a little self control so I was able to make them last. They actually we perfect in a post-workout trail mix. In case you haven't tried a goji berry yet think of a raisin on steroids, natural steroids that is. Goji berries contain 18 amino acids, 21 minerals, glyconutrients for cell communication and more beta-carotene than any other food on earth. Talk about power packed!

Check them out on Vitacost

 Time to hit the pool for some laps!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review! Those chocolates are worth a try :)
