
Sore muscle swagger

I've been trying to run on the trails a little more. I don't know why I've been running on the road so much. Screw that. I am hitting the trails more! I found a bunch of trails that are close to my house. They are no joke either. Straight up hills. As you can tell it's been a little muddy recently. I'll have one more long trail run this weekend before my 5 mile trail race next weekend.

This is my fear. Actually I run fairly confidently (and naively) on the trails so I am more likely to trip over nothing and fall face first. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen next weekend. I'd like to finish looking sorta good.

 I seriously hate being so sore that it effects my ability to walk normally. It's rather embarrassing at work.  No swagger... all sore right now. Thank goodness for that one solid rest day a week. My body thanks me every Friday.

Also I just made a recent book purchase. I know I am like 8 million years late to read this book. But I finally picked it up and I am pretty excited to get started reading it this weekend.

Do you take a rest day each week?
Triathlon or running book recommendations?


  1. I hate that soreness as well, its the getting moving part that sucks, once I am moving, I am ok

    I havent read that book either, so you will beat me to it.

    All the books I have are on the technical aspect of the sport, boring, but very informative

    1. Yeah it's that early alarm and realizing your body is too sore to move out of bed. Once I get my workout clothes on I am good to go surprisingly.

  2. Friday is my rest day too. And by "rest day" I mean "clean the house day." :) I loved Chrissie Wellington's book "A Life Without Limits." It's very inspiring, interesting, and easy to read.

    1. Oh and we all know that cleaning isn't resting. Good luck. I am trying to get better at cleaning throughout the week... No luck with that yet. Ill check out Chrissie Wellingtons book thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Trail running is indeed awesome, I prefer trails to roads anyday. I also like that trail running works more random muscles than road running, since you are forced to do subtle changes in direction way more than roads.

    For book suggestions, my recent favorites have been:
    -The Perfect Mile
    -Into Thin Air

    I also read Born to Run, the book is awesome, enjoy!

    1. Yes I think I have some mystery muscles that need some work. This weekend they will get some torture for sure. Thanks for the book recommendations. I haven't read unbroken yet I'll check that out thanks!

  4. Born to Run is amazing! I hope you enjoy it :)
