Saturday morning I went for my longest bike ride to date. It was 22 miles. I suppose that isn't that long for most triathletes but for someone who mostly does sprint triathlons it's kinda a long ride. But I have a duathlon coming up in March that has a 24 mile ride so I want to get some long bike rides in for practice. The more time I spend on my bike the more I love it. Here's my end of ride view.

The beach isn't a bad place to end a ride.
After that bike ride I headed up to Long Beach to kick it with my friend Jay. We biked around town, ate vegan food, took a lot of photos, and went to the Aquarium of the Pacific.
We decided this has to be one of the ugliest fish in the see.
Got some love from the birds. (Yes apparently it's ok to have birds at aquariums. I didn't know that either so don't worry.) Touched some sharks, sting rays and saw fish I never knew existed. Makes me slightly more nervous about swimming in the ocean.
This is how I ride super fast on the triathlon course. No hands and a backpack.
Explains my unbeatable course records.
New distances on the bike are always a big deal. Congrats. I'm sure you'll be knocking out 20-30 miles/ride in no time. You'll find it isn't as big of a jump as you'd think. I'm spending some time on the trainer this winter in hopes of going long this spring/summer. I really fell in love with my bike last year and I am looking forward to continuing that on in 2013. But I'm not fortunate enough to do that kind of riding this time of year.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like an steel frame Bianchi you are riding? Very nice.
ReplyDeleteIt's actually a Univega from who know when. It's old and very heavy. I look forward to getting a new bike very soon. Should help my bike times.